Photo by Filios Sazeides on Unsplash
If you have an upholstery cleaning appointment coming up, there are a few things that you can do to prepare. While the cleaning company will handle most of the details, you can prep the area to make their jobs a bit easier. That being said, you are paying them, so don’t feel like you have to do a deep clean before they show up.
Here are 3 things you can do before your upholstery cleaning appointment.
Basic Cleanup
Now don’t go too overboard here. You don’t have to vacuum the upholstery or remove cushions or anything like that. We’re just talking about clearing the area. If you clear the upholstery of things like toys, trash, blankets, and more, it will be ready when the company comes in.
It’s hard for a cleaning company to move your personal belongings. It’s even harder for them to get a deep, professional clean when you have 38 throw pillows, 12 blankets, and someone’s dirty sock in the way. We live on our couches. They are meant to be comfortable. There is nothing wrong with that.
Just try to move that stuff away from the upholstery before the cleaning company comes. You can return it all as you please when they are through.
Note Problem Areas
Most cleaning companies will thoroughly inspect the upholstery for things like stains or really dirty areas. They might also note anything like rips or tears. However, you can also be prepared for this. If you note any stains or what you perceive to be problem areas, it can be helpful to inform us about them when we show up.
Take pictures of before. You’re going to want to see the difference after the cleaning anyway! Make sure you point out stains to us just to make sure they get treated and cleaned appropriately. We want no stains or dirt left behind! It’s always helpful to know for sure if you see a certain space you want treated.
Mind the Pets
Another thing that many homeowners don’t think about is their pets. Even if you have the best-behaved pet ever, we are entering their territory. Chances are the upholstery we are cleaning is their favorite napping spot. You certainly don’t have to banish your pets.
It can be helpful to have a plan, though. Having a plan that keeps the pets out of the way is important. This prevents any mishaps from occurring, whether it’s the pet or us. Prepare for your pets and be sure to comfort them if they get anxious about strangers.
Professional Upholstery Cleaning
At The King of Kleen, we try to make your upholstery cleaning experience as pleasant as possible. These ideas certainly help the process. If you need to schedule your next appointment, give us a call. We’re ready to get your upholstery looking like new again!
These tips are just minor things that can help the cleaning process go more smoothly. Don’t take any of the cleaning burden on yourself. That’s what we are here for. Just prep the area and your pets for access and we’re good to go!